Saturday, April 7, 2012

Our faith has been renewed - Easter 2012

“You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.” (Mark 16,6) On this Easter we seek for the risen Jesus in our lives. Maybe He has risen in us as our faith has been renewed or our sins forgiven or a relationship has been restored or a job has been found. Resurrection can take many forms in our life. It is up to us to search to see what the difference the Easter experience has had in our lives.
Here are some Easter questions:
Has my faith in Jesus-risen made any difference in my life?
Does Jesus’ triumph over sin, over death, over alienation from God, filter into every aspect of my words and works?
Are the gifts of Easter – e.g. redemption, forgiveness, reconciliation and renewal, anywhere in evidence in the manner in which I live, love and relate to others?
Fr. Bob Hawkins

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Holy Week focus on the liturgy

There are so many reasons why I adore Holy Week. It is one of the weeks where I focus almost solely on the liturgy. So often my energies get directed toward areas of administration. Holy Week affords me the chance to focus on the reason I became a priest in the first place - to preach the Word of God and preside at the table of the Lord’s Supper. So this week means that the main thing will be the main thing.

We have had an excellent Lent here at St. Luke’s. The soup suppers went well, we are ahead of where we were last year with the Catholic Charity Fund, the missionaries are ready for their Jamaica experience, attendance at daily Mass was impressive.

Please pray for our adult candidates as they approach Easter sacraments: Chuck and Polly Arneson, Jennifer Gass, Kim McDermott, Heather Nunes, Kate Paller, and Angela Yankauskas. They have been an excellent class of candidates. See you at the Triduum.

Fr. Bob